Advisory Committee
Making Sure It All Happens
The NH Conservation Number Plate Advisory Committee oversees the design of the Moose Plate and the distribution of the Plate’s revenues as legislated. The committee is composed of a number of legislators and staff from participating state agencies. It is the duty of this committee to ensure that the purposes and goals of the NH Conservation License Plate Program are being achieved. They report annually to the General Court, summarizing the number of plates issued, revenues collected and program accomplishments.
Funds are Distributed to the Following Agencies:
- Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program
NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP)
NH State Conservation Committee
NH Department of Transportation
- Bureau of Highway Design Roadside Development Statewide Lilac and Native Wildflower Program
NH Department of Natural & Cultural Resources
- Research and management of native plants and natural communities through the Natural Heritage Bureau
- Stewardship and preservation of historic sites managed by the Division of Parks and Recreation
- Restoration, preservation, and/or conservation of publicly owned items significant to NH’s cultural heritage through grant programs managed by the Division of Historical Resources, the State Council on the Arts, and the State Library