2013 LCHIP grant protects 940 acres of Mt. Major in Alton/Gilford

Land and Community
Heritage Investment Program


Funds from the Moose Plate program support LCHIP’s administrative costs, including staffing and office expenses. LCHIP provides matching grants (from a different source) to help municipalities and nonprofits protect the state’s most important natural, historical and cultural resources.

Since 2000, LCHIP has invested $54 million through 530 grants, impacted 193 New Hampshire communities, partnered with 320 community groups, rehabilitated 160 historic structures, and conserved 237,000 acres of land

Sample Projects

  • Restoration of mosaic tile, masonry repairs, window restoration and plaster work was completed for the Wilton Public – Gregg Free Library.
  • Webster Farm in Franklin was saved from subdivision and development. More than 120 acres of productive farmland was conserved by the Society for the Protection of NH Forests. The campus buildings – some from the Webster era and others from the founding of an orphanage and later a convent – are protected with a preservation easement held by the NH Preservation Alliance.
  • The Society for the Protection of NH Forests used a matching grant from LCHIP to purchase and conserve 1,025 acres adjacent to Mt. Kearsarge State Forest to ensure recreational opportunities and access to the summit of Mt. Kearsarge in perpetuity.

Learn more about the LCHIP grant program or visit the projects page to see more completed projects.