Grants are Available to Municipalities and NH Conservation Organizations
To learn how to get a grant for your organization and/or project, please contact one of the following agencies:
NH State Conservation Committee (NH SCC)
The NH SCC distributes competitive Moose Plate grants to counties, municipal and nongovernmental entities, schools and nonprofits that support the conservation of NH’s natural resources.
The Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP)
LCHIP provides matching grants (from a different source) to help municipalities and nonprofits protect the state’s most important natural, historical and cultural resources. Funds from the Moose Plate program support LCHIP’s administrative costs.
NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Providing grants for conservation and preservation of publicly owned historic properties, works of art, artifacts and documents that contribute to NH’s cultural heritage. Restoring historic sites and buildings in NH State Parks. Protecting our state’s biodiversity by researching rare native plants and exemplary natural communities.